FAQ : Legal conformity warranty

  • What is the legal conformity warranty and what is its duration?

    When you purchase a good, it must comply with its intended use and the seller's description.

    In order to guarantee this compliance, the professional seller is bound by the legal warranty of conformity (articles L217-1 to L217-14 of the French Consumer Code) for a period of 2 years from the delivery of the good to the individual consumer.

    This warranty applies to conformity defects already existing at the date of delivery.

    Sources: French Ministry of the Economy

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  • In what cases does the legal conformity warranty apply ?

    The legal warranty of conformity applies to all products sold by basket4ballers, and is free of charge.

    According to the current law enforced in France, a conformity defect for items sold by basket4ballers occurs when :

    • ✔️ The product becomes unfit for its usual purpose (for example, for a basketball shoe, the inability to play with it),
    • ✔️ The product does not match the description given by the seller, even if it functions perfectly (for example, the color of the shipped item does not match the presented model),
    • ✔️ The product lacks the qualities advertised by the seller (for example, a pair that is advertised as having advanced cushioning does not have the expected cushioning properties),
    • ✔️ The product has a manufacturing defect, imperfection, or poor assembly present from the outset.

    basket4ballers cannot be held responsible for normal wear and tear of the products, as basketball is a contact sport, nor for misuse and/or intensive use of the items by the Customer.

    Hence, all cases of normal wear and tear of an item or purely cosmetic damage are not covered by the legal conformity warranty.

    For example:

    ❌ A scratch on the shoe collar, without impacting the pair's support

    ❌ A scratch on the shoe's mesh, without impacting the pair's support

    ❌ Gradual wear of the outsole

    ❌ Fade of the color of a material due to friction

    ❌ Material loss due to friction, not affecting the technical properties of the pair

    Sources: French Ministry of the Economy

    I cannot found a answer to my question : contact Basket4Ballers

  • How can I assert my rights and make a complaint in case of a defect ?

    If you are within the warranty period and the item for which you wish to make a claim corresponds to one of the cases covered by the legal warranty of conformity (see cases above), you can contact our customer service department through this form, explaining the issue encountered and enclosing your request:

    • the proof of purchase,
    • photos of the item and its defects, proving the lack of conformity.

    Customer service will then validate your request before offering you the repair of the product if possible, or a credit note corresponding to the amount originally paid for this item, so that you can replace it.

    I cannot found a answer to my question : contact Basket4Ballers